
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"Bring Out Your Dead"

Last week, our media specialist visited the English department and all of our classes to give us the lowdown on new copyright laws. She did a fantastic job because I sort of understand what I can and can't do online now.

The students were pretty surprised and overwhelmed by the information. They are the cut-and-paste generation, after all. From what I can tell, their belief is that if you find it on the internet, then:

1. it must be credible.
2. it must be free for me to use without giving any credit at all.
3. it must be posted onto facebook in some form or fashion.

So, after much discussion about what is and what isn't intellectual property, they had one question for me:

What CAN we put on our blogs?

I was happy to show them a site that a fellow teacher introduced me to last week.

World, meet MORGUEFILE.COM. It's where good pictures go after they die - to be resurrected elsewhere.

Maybe I'm late to the party, but this site is amazing. It's filled with beautiful artistic photos that people are no longer actively using -hence the name. Now, my students and I can enjoy some real pics without the real law-breaking that might otherwise occur.

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