
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Calling All Screencasters!

We're embarking on a project to learn about screencasts for the next couple of weeks. Step one is to figure out just what they are.

Screencasts are (usually) short videos which record whatever is happening on the computer screen, alongside a voice narration of that action. They are wonderful teaching tools and can be pretty darn entertaining when done well.

Here's a nice example from Tom at the Rapid eLearner Blog - a great resource for all things digital.

Face it - we all learn better when we can SEE how to do something rather than simply read about it. (Case in point).

I plan on showing this to the kids as an example of how a complicated process can be taught to even the most novice of novices via a screencast. We'll learn how to create images in Powerpoint while introducing ourselves to the screencasting tool. Then I'll turn them loose to see what they can come up with. I'll post the best ones here before we move on to Step Two: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

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