
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Twitter Time: Azim Damani

Today's guest post is from Azim Damani -

For my Communications project, I want to help the class learn how to use Twitter effectively. Almost everybody in class has a Facebook but Twitter is a little more rare. I have been using Twitter for a year now, and I have found it extremely useful. There are so many people to follow from celebrities to companies that provide coupons and nice deals. I follow a musical artist named Jay Electronica and he tweets every time he has a secret concert so his fans can attend. Without Twitter, it would be difficult for somebody to find out about such concerts.

There are also Twitter accounts that update sports scores for certain teams and anything that happens in relation to that team. Sports reporters and news outlets use Twitter to reach the fans and find out what the fans want to hear about. They tweet out breaking news and everything newsworthy. Many celebrities also retweet some of their fans resulting in increased traffic on the fans’ accounts and sometimes even more followers.

I think Twitter is a great tool to use when you know how to use it well. The activity for my presentation is for you to go home and make a Twitter account if you don’t have one already. After that, find 5 people that you want to follow(if you already have an account, find 5 new people) and follow them. You must follow at least 1 celebrity and 1 news outlet.

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